Thursday, October 24, 2024
HomeNewsNigeria Among Countries Suffering from Deterioration in Governance

Nigeria Among Countries Suffering from Deterioration in Governance


The 2024 Ibrahim Index of African Governance has recently released a report highlighting the continued deterioration in governance in Nigeria. The report listed Nigeria among several other African countries suffering from deteriorating governance, including Botswana, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Senegal, Sudan, and Tunisia.


The report stated that for the remaining 21 countries, hosting almost 48% of the population, the overall governance level is worse in 2023 than in 2014. Specifically, the Security & Rule of Law dimension has been the most deteriorated category since 2014, with a loss of -1.6 points. Additionally, the Participation, Rights & Inclusion category has also seen a slight decline.


Nigeria was specifically highlighted as one of 11 countries where governance deterioration is worsening over the second part of the decade. The report indicated that the country is suffering from poor security and safety concerns, as well as issues with participation and accountability.


This news comes as the World Bank released a report criticizing Nigeria for its wasteful expenditure under President Bola Tinubu’s administration. The World Bank ranked the Nigerian government as weak in terms of cutting unnecessary expenditures and called for the reduction of non-essential expenses such as vehicle purchases and external training.

Nigeria continues to face governance challenges and leadership issues that are hindering the development of the country. Poor security and safety concerns are also contributing to the deteriorating governance situation in Nigeria.



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