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HomeInformationIs Buhari’s Best Good Enough For Nigeria?

Is Buhari’s Best Good Enough For Nigeria?

President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, retired General Muhammadu Buhari, was quoted as saying in far-away Washington DC, United States of America, that he has done his level best for Nigeria! Can you imagine that! And can you beat it! It would appear that Nigerian leaders always need to “japa” to far-away countries to make statements that are better told to the Marines! Hear what Buhari was reported to have said:  “I have done my best for Nigeria, says Buhari in Washington. President Muhammadu Buhari says he has done his best for Nigeria. According to a statement by Garba Shehu, presidential spokesperson, Buhari spoke in Washington, USA while meeting with Al-Mahfoudh Bin Bayyah, secretary-general of the Abu Dhabi Forum, and Bob Roberts, his deputy. ’We are big in size and population, facing many challenges but in many areas we are trying. In seven-and-a-half years, I have done my best’, Buhari was quoted as saying. Buhari said solving the problems affecting youths is the priority of the government as they are the country’s promise for a better future.

“The president also noted the need to raise generations of youths devoid of religious extremism and bigotry. He urged the group to continue to target the young people ‘who are the promise of the future. Your work is very important in helping especially the youth to understand one another and, at the same time, to be proud of their heritage’, he said. ‘This great initiative by you will help future generations to plan well and live together in peace. On our part, we’ll continue to solve our problems, especially as they relate to the youths’. On his part, Bin Bayyah said the visit was to invite Buhari to attend an award conferment on him in recognition of his achievements in promoting peace and security. He said the conferment is in line with the foundation’s work in fighting religious extremism, promoting peaceful coexistence and dialogue amongst all religions”

Does it not amaze you that Buhari said he has given his very best to Nigerians? Tell me in what areas – mention just one! As a two-star Army general, former military Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Buhari boasted, and everyone believed him, that he would end Boko Haram insurgency in a matter of months. Instead, insecurity, which was limited to the North East and to Boko Haram, has since spread to envelope all parts of the country, with new non-state actors more devilish than Boko Haram joining the fray. Now we have Fulani herdsmen, Fulani bandits, all manner of sundry criminals like kidnappers, cultists, arsonists running riot all over the place with Buhari unable to tame them. Non-state actors have boxed the State into a corner, such that Nigeria today is described by many as a failed state. The situation was not as bad as this when Jonathan,  a “bloody civilian”, was the president. Now, nowhere is safe and no one is safe. If the bandits can threaten to kidnap Buhari himself, then, what are we talking about? No means of transportation is safe, be it vehicular, train or air! Road transportation has become a nightmare. Trains have been hijacked and airports attacked. Even high brow military fortresses have been demystified by insurgents. Yet, Buhari said he has given us his best!

Buhari made the fight against corruption one of the pillars of his three-point agenda – and we believed him. We thought he was a no-nonsense, forthright, and credible leader. We were misled by his short spell in office as military dictator (1983 – 1985) to think he was a safe pair of hands. How mistaken! Comparing corruption under former President Goodluck Jonathan with corruption under Buhari is like comparing sleep with death. At no time in the history of this country has any government exhibited incompetence in the fight against corruption as Buhari; yet, declaring false victory over the monster as Buhari’s administration has repeatedly done beggars belief! Year-in, year-out, the country has slipped further down the pecking order on Transparency International’s corruption index. Brazen oil theft under the very nose of Buhari, who continues to double as the Minister of Petroleum Resources, beggars belief. For a man who, as presidential candidate, pilloried his predecessor ceaselessly with allegations that fuel subsidy was a scam, the humongous amount that goes for the same fuel subsidy under Buhari also beggars belief.

Should we talk of the humongous debt overhang that Buhari has pushed this country into, with nothing commensurate to show for it? Should we also talk of the debt servicing obligation that is already choking the economy and, by extension, Nigerians to death? The Naira is fast becoming worthless, at one time exchanging at over N800 to the US dollar. Foodstuff prices are fast slipping out of the reach of most Nigerians. Cost of living, cost of essential commodities and services has more than tripled. Yet, salaries have stagnated. Jobs are not available. More and more of those in employment are being laid off. Industries and businesses are relocating from Nigeria because the environment is no longer business-friendly. Epileptic power supply is a nightmare. In eight years Buhari has not built just one refinery. So, we import fuel and other petroleum products. The cost of these essential drivers of the economy has shut through the roof. Unemployment is at an all-time high. Strife and social tension is everywhere prevalent. Nigerians are voting with their legs in droves. The new but sad phenomenon is called “japa”, which means “cut and run”.

Our hospitals are now desolate because doctors and other health workers have “japa” to other lands and are still doing so in droves. Our institutions of higher learning – the universities especially – are also desolate as teachers and workers are running away to greener pastures and saner climes. Tell me one area where Buhari has excelled? If that is too much to ask, tell me one area where things did not deteriorate under him! Like I said before, all Buhari touched, he ruined! But, perhaps the “Oga Pata-pata” of the havoc Buhari has done to this country; “the General Overseer of them all” is the unity and oneness of Nigeria and Nigerians that Buhari has put to the sword with his mind-boggling nepotism. If Nigeria dies, Buhari killed it. But, then, Buhari could be right! It is possible he actually has put in his level best and will now hold the unenviable record for life as the most effete, the most clueless, the most incompetent, and the most divisive leader Nigeria ever had.



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