When we first visited the metro station, I discovered that there were many security lapses and I remember when I first came after our inauguration, I did say that we have to work on the issue of security by putting up the fence around the Metro Station in order to ward off criminals but unfortunately, that has not been done.

“To my surprise, it was discovered that the contract was not even awarded to CCECC, it is a different contract awarded by the FCT and this is my first time of hearing that and we are going to take it up immediately to see that it is put in place because you cannot talk of operations, when you have not taken care of the issue of security. So, security for us is key.

“We have to also talk about the kind of vandalism and stealing that is going on there. We have security companies that were awarded contracts to secure those areas, yet things are happening, excuses are being given on how security agencies release those that are caught but for me that is not enough and we are going to make sure that we have a different method to be adopted, to see that we cannot continue to give excuses everyday.

“I cannot be happy if in May this year we are not able to operate this metro line. It will be very disastrous for me and then, even all these stations from what I have seen, the designs are very poor. Whoever might have approved the design is unfair to Nigerians. I have told CCECC that these designs are not even acceptable in their countries.

“I have also directed that all the stations must be cleaned and also all the necessary things there must be provided. There is no room for excuses at all.

“Also on the design of the access roads linking to the various stations, I don’t know whether it is because people always talk about money and rush into everything without proper evaluation and the benefits it will offer the residents or the users. The construction is not the best but again what do you do? This is what is on ground. But frankly speaking, knowing where I am coming from, having presided over projects like this, I cannot tell you that I am happy. I am not.

“I have always said to people that we owe a lot to this country. If you have been given an opportunity to do something, it is not like you are the best, or the most handsome, or the most beautiful, it is just that God in his infinite mercy has said that this is your own turn, so try to make good use of it by satisfying members of the public.

“So I am not happy, the company must speed up, those who are doing the access roads must also speed up.”