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Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeNewsThe Ebonyi Example: The Meaning Of Pragmatic Governance, By Igbotako Nowinta

The Ebonyi Example: The Meaning Of Pragmatic Governance, By Igbotako Nowinta

Media/Research Consultant@ Nigerian Good Governance Research Centre.

  • It was with excitement that we @ the Nigeria Good Governance Research Centre, received the news of what Governor Francis Nwifuru did to the downtrodden recently in Ebonyi State. What did he do?

Governor Francis Nwifuru gave the sum of 2 million naira each to 500 street hawkers with a promise to still capacitate them in various skill acquisitions ventures. For us that example is a fantastic meaning of pragmatic democratic governance.

In this harrowing time in the history of our country, where the current political leadership at the centre has thrown away ‘fuel subsidy’ mindlessly and recklessly without visible alternatives; brutally eliminated the middle class; leaving the Nigerian people to swim in the ocean of extremes (dehumanizing skyrocketing inflationary trends of goods and services), we commend the good gesture coming from Governor Francis Nwifuru; and urge him to do more.

The interesting question present itself. What is democratic governance if it cannot cater for the hopeless and the poorest, mostly at a time like this: unbearable mass suffering? Regrettably, It is a fact in Nigeria that for political bandits, power signifies the opportunity to make a living, become billionaires and to satisfy base lusts.

We hereby call on the various strata of governance in Nigeria, particularly sitting State Governors to tow the line of Ebonyi by doing the needful without delay. Our Governors should simply tackle today’s issues with human face and anticipate tomorrow’s challenges.



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