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HomeInformationNigeria: Welcome To Hell! By Bayo Oluwasanmi

Nigeria: Welcome To Hell! By Bayo Oluwasanmi

HELL  is where most Nigerians are living today because of their closeness to hellish sufferings. Nigeria is the only country today that best fits the biblical description of Hell.


Hope is the mother of life. Despair is the mother of violence and death. Hope is a scarce commodity in Nigeria. Because of the loss of hope, Nigeria is on her deathbed. With the eight-year hellish administration of the APC and the wasted 16 years of PDP rule, future generations of Nigerians have been sentenced to destruction. The recently minted sufferings by the ruling regime inflicted on poor Nigerians qualify Nigeria for the biblical description of hell: A place of outer darkness, a lake of fire, a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, a prison, and a place of torment.

Everywhere you go, you see scorches and smoulder of fires. You see rivulets of urine trickle down from open sewers. You smell the stench of decaying offal, the congealed stink of putrefied garbage, worms and maggots slither throughout. You can hear the tormented screams of hungry and sick babies. You can hear the groan and moan of kidnapped victims being decapitated or burned alive. You can hear the agonized cries of helpless victims of armed robbers. So many echoes of death and disconsolation pervasively dwell permanently in the land. Some Nigerians say this is the real Hell. Others believe this is one of the central prototypes of a modern concept of that horrific place called Hell. Look carefully, if you doubt me. Nigerians are walking through the biblical Valley of Shadow of Death. There are Hellish images of unending torture and suffering for poor innocent citizens. Little has changed here for six decades. In fact, it has gotten worse. Nigerians are tormented by all the fantastic architecture of Hell.

Governments at all levels have destroyed the country. They have successfully put in place grim or terror-invoking concepts of Hell. We are in utter despair because the destruction continues on daily basis. They have turned Nigeria into Hell. Nigeria has become a place of cruel and unusual punishment. Nigerians are going through a suffering torment from which there is no escape or relief. People can endure the greatest agony if they know it will ultimately stop. In Hell, there is no such hope.

Welcome to Hell!



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