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Thursday, September 19, 2024





1. I welcome you all to the Government House today.

I am delighted that the UNHCR Assistant High Commissioners for Operations and Protection, in the distinguished company of Her Excellency the German Ambassador to Nigeria have prioritized Benue State as a significant stopping point in this tight seven-day official mission to our vast country. We hope this demonstrates the centrality of our budding and growing collaboration between UNHCR specifically and the rest of the United Nations country team in Nigeria.

2. This gathering signifies a pivotal moment in our ongoing collaboration with the United Nations, particularly the UNHCR, as we address the humanitarian challenges confronting our state. Together Our Focus is on Durable and home-driven solution. The tireless efforts of the UNHCR, beginning with their critical work in the Ogoja axis and extending their reach to the humanitarian crises in Benue State, have been instrumental in mobilizing the broader UN response in our dear state.

3. Benue State has long stood as a sanctuary for those fleeing conflict and persecution. Today, we host over 12,000 Cameroonian refugees who have sought refuge within our borders. As a people, we understand the pain of displacement, and our shared humanity compels us to extend a helping hand to these vulnerable individuals. I want to express my profound appreciation for the unwavering support of the UNHCR in bolstering our state’s efforts to protect and provide for these displaced persons.

4. In the face of these challenges, our administration remains resolutely committed to the principles of the Global Compact on Refugees. we are actively working to integrate refugees into our ongoing development plans. These efforts transcend immediate relief; they are about empowering refugees and their host communities to build sustainable futures together. The continued support of the UNHCR and other UN agencies in reinforcing our national systems to deliver these critical services is deeply valued.

5. Allow us to brag abit as being the only sub – national that has invested in the UN Voluteer programme, our ambition is that this becomes a nursery for harnessing future humanitarian and development experts that will change the Narrative across the Benue Valley.

6. The plight of internally displaced persons in Benue State is a matter of urgent concern to our administration. With over 32,000 IDPs receiving core relief items in May alone and 3,000 women and girls benefiting from dignity kits and non-food items, the scale of the needs is staggering. The ongoing biometric registration efforts and the establishment of cooperatives that enable IDPs to engage in income-generating activities are commendable initiatives that not only provide immediate relief but also lay the groundwork for a more resilient future.

7. We deeply appreciate the establishment of the UNHCR and IOM offices in Makurdi, which will significantly enhance our collaborative efforts. I recall making this request during my first engagement meeting with UNHCR last year, where we received vital health essentials that are saving lives today in IDP-linked hospitals. As we transition to more sustainable programming, I want to assure you of our steadfast support at both state and local levels. Our ministries and agencies are fully prepared to work in tandem with the UNHCR and the broader UN system to align and integrate activities within government services, ensuring that our collective efforts are impactful and far-reaching.

8. To further bolster coordination among UN partners in the state, I am pleased to allocate the old Ministry of Information Complex along Barracks Road—a 33-room building—for use as the UN’s “Red-Roof” in Makurdi. This facility will serve as a central hub for UN Offices and activities in Benue State.

9. Security remains a top priority for us, particularly in areas like Kwande LGA, which hosts the Ikyogen refugee settlement. We recognize the crucial role of security in reducing displacement and enabling humanitarian work. I commend the efforts of our security personnel and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety of all refugees and displaced persons in our state.

10. Moreover, I am pleased to announce the allocation of farmland to refugees in Ikyogen. This initiative underscores our belief in the transformative power of agriculture as a means of livelihood and empowerment. By providing these opportunities, we are not only addressing the immediate needs of refugees but also fostering a sense of community and self-reliance.

11. The need for adequate health personnel in Primary Health Care (PHC) facilities in communities hosting displaced persons cannot be overstated. We are acutely aware of the staffing deficits and are taking proactive steps to address them. I urge the UN to continue supporting us in this critical endeavor, as the health and well-being of these communities are of paramount importance.

12. Furthermore, the inclusion of vulnerable refugees and IDPs in the social register is a significant stride towards ensuring that they are not left behind. We are committed to this process and appreciate the support of the UNHCR in conducting the necessary assessments and evaluations. This inclusion will open doors to health insurance, livelihood empowerment, and the opportunity for displaced persons to contribute positively to our society and economy. Earlier, this administration directed that 5,418 IDPs, primarily pregnant or lactating mothers, be captured for health insurance.

13. As part of our Commitment to ensuring Sustainable growth we have prioritized the recruitment and vendor assignments of IDPs across all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) to ensure they are integrated into our state’s economic fabric. For example, the ongoing collaboration between UNHCR and the Benue Investment and Property Company (BIPC) is a testament to our commitment. We have also constituted a committee to conduct a policy gap mapping to ensure that all policies hindering business operations are reviewed, and those that facilitate business are fully implemented to bolster economic activities. I have given further directives that Benue SEMA should set up IDP Farms, where we aim to produce food to supply to forcibly displaced persons They have aquired lands to this effect and will be planting soon. we are quite sure that Garri and Beans will be gotten from these farms to ease dependency on aid for their feeding, these IDPs will be the primary employees on these farms, I must also add that our supplementary budget includes substantial allocations for WASH, climate change, and protection-related activities across the affected MDAs.

14. To ensure robust policy formulation and sustained support, we have established the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, strengthened Benue SEMA, and created the Benue State Bureau for International Cooperation and Development (BICD). BICD was set up by this administration to lead the necessary multisectoral collaboration and coordination of MDA activities with Partners and the Donor community. While BICD does not implement projects where other agencies are clearly responsible, it serves as a gateway agency for donor relations and resource mobilization, supporting MDAs in coordinating, delivering effectively, and building their capacities to develop policies that enable operations or implementation of these MDAs in accessing grants, aids, and social investments. We have also empowered the Benue Commission for Peace and Reconciliation a very Critcal agency in the nexus converstaion, all of these agencies work closely with the Benue Budget and Economic Planning Commission to ensure that durable solutions are not just theoretical but practical realities. Additionally, at the start of this administration, we commissioned a Benue State Multisectoral Needs Assessment, which is ongoing and due for launch in September.

15. As we continue to build on these foundations, I appeal to the United Nations, working with the Humanitarian Country Team, to include Benue State in the next cycle of the Humanitarian Response Plan. We also seek your support in building the capacities of our MDAs to effectively coordinate humanitarian responses and achieve our sustainable goals. I would like to on behalf of the good people of Benue State invite you to host the next Humanitarian Country Team meeting here in Makurdi.

16. Our immediate priority is the restoration of lives and livelihoods along the Makurdi to Kadarko routes and the deep fields in Guma, Kwande, Gwer, Agatu and Logo LGAs, where displacement and insecurity have severely impacted the region. To address this, we are proposing a practical and sustainable solution: the development of 3,000 housing units, each compound complemented by essential infrastructure such as good roads, schools, hospitals, markets, police stations, Sporting facilities and other utilities, including access to clean water. This initiative will provide shelter and vital services to at least 16,000 forcibly displaced persons, addressing their immediate needs and creating a stable environment for their return to their ancestral homes. Our administration is fully committed to working closely with the United Nations, donors, and the Federal Government of Nigeria to bring this vision to fruition. We believe that this model will not only facilitate the return of IDPs but will also set the stage for the cluster settlements that our traditional councils have advocated as a non-kinetic strategy to break the cycle of recurring crises. As a government we are committed to Disaster management and Civil protection I invite your expertise in expanding our security social networking mechanism.

17. We also recognize the importance of strategic border security and access roads along the Nyihimba–Agbatse and Ikyogen axis leading into Cameroon. This is an area where we believe the German government and other donors can provide valuable support. May I pause and ask at this point that the UN being the go – to for standards, support Benue state in conducting the Political, economic analysis of the Mining area in the Kwande – Cameroon axis to create a valid baseline, this will enable future engagments in this regards for sustainable solutions.

18. By focusing on these tangible, community-centered solutions, we aim to lay the foundation for lasting peace and stability in the region. We invite the UN to partner with us in turning this vision into reality, ensuring that the displaced can rebuild their lives with dignity and security. The Bureau for International Cooperation and Development is ready to support any engagement efforts in this direction.

19. Finally I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres, for championing the Durable Solutions initiative. This initiative has provided a crucial framework that guides our efforts to address the protracted displacement situation in Benue State. I must also thank the Nigerian UN office, which has worked tirelessly to support us in delivering on the Durable Solutions State Action Plan that is currently being finalized. The recent launch of the Durable Solutions Framework in Abuja by His Excellency, Vice President Kashim Shettima, marked a significant milestone in our journey towards finding a lifelong solution to the IDP situation in Benue. This milestone reflects the collective commitment and effort of all stakeholders involved, and we are proud to be part of this transformative journey.

20. Let me reaffirm our commitment to continuing the close collaboration between the Benue State Government and the United Nations. The road ahead presents opportunities, and with your continued support and our shared determination, I am confident that we will create a future where every person, regardless of their status, can live in peace, dignity, and prosperity. Together, we will ensure that no one is left behind and that every individual who calls Benue State home can thrive.

21. Thank you.



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