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HomeNewsMali Junta Arrests 11 Opposition Leaders for Demanding Civilian Rule

Mali Junta Arrests 11 Opposition Leaders for Demanding Civilian Rule

Eleven opponents of Mali’s ruling junta were arrested in the capital for demanding a return to civilian rule, their coalition announced Friday.

The military, which took power in 2020, had promised elections and a handover to civilians by March but indefinitely postponed them.

Those arrested include party leaders who signed a declaration in March calling for civilian rule, according to a statement sent to AFP.

They were detained Thursday for attending a banned political meeting, a legal source said.

They will face a prosecutor Friday, a judicial source confirmed.

The arrests occurred during a “private meeting” at a coalition official’s home, the group said, condemning the “violation of fundamental freedoms” and “arbitrary arrests”.

Signatories of the March 31 declaration had denounced the “legal void” after the junta missed its deadline to hand over power, demanding presidential elections “as soon as possible”.

Mali’s military has maintained a tight grip on power, suspending political activities and silencing opponents, journalists, and activists.

The country has faced a political and security crisis since 2012, fueled by jihadist attacks, separatist struggles, and institutional void.



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