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HomeNewsBuilding Creativity, Empowering Youths: The Benue Example

Building Creativity, Empowering Youths: The Benue Example


It was the celebration of a significant milestone. A journey started eight months ago, precisely in January. A testament to Governor Hyacinth Alia’s unwavering commitment to changing the narrative of Benue’s development story, pushed by passion and drive, making tangible impact on the lives of the people of Benue state.

The commissioning of Benue Fashion and ICT Hub, and a printing press, is a bold step towards building the uncommon creativity of Benue people and empowering the youths population to make bold statement in the global fashion industry, and make their lives better, engaging and productive.

The remodeled Benue Printing House which has been grounded for 22 years is another milestone by an administration that has been rewriting the history of Benue State since May 29, 2023.

The printing machinery put in place has the capacity to provide direct employment for 100 people and empower more than 200 more. Most interesting is the fact that the facility can generate up to N3 billion annually for the state government, and those wishing to print books
in North Central and North East don’t need to go to the west to do so anymore.

Just like the printing house, the fashion hub is another remarkable achievement of Governor Hyacinth Alia.
The facility is a creation of the federal and Benue State governments. It is, in the words of the governor, a catalyst for growth and development, and an embodiment of the Tinubu led administration’s collective vision for a prosperous, creative, and empowered Benue State.

The governor, who superintended the commissioning of the projects together with the representative of Vice President Kashim Shettima, said the Fashion and ICT hub as well as the remodeled Benue Printing House, would serve as cornerstone of his administration’s agenda to promote creativity, harness talents, foster innovation, create employment and provide opportunities for the people of the state.

“The project is designed to harness the abundant talents of our youth and transform them into thriving enterprises that will contribute significantly in building our economy.

“Today’s world is dynamic and ever-changing and we in Benue cannot be left behind,” he echoed.

The project has a history behind it, and according to the governor the state was delighted to receive the vice president whose presence was a fulfilment of a promise made in January 2024 during the first Expanded National MSME Clinics. “You gave us your word and today, Your Excellency, you have honoured us again in fulfillment of that promise.”

Indeed, the commissioning of the fashion hub is an indication that the government is not only expanding opportunities in the labour market, but also supporting skills development, and taking bold step to diversify the state’s economy in line with the administration’s industrialisation agenda that is focused on leveraging the abundant talents available in the state.

As assured by the governor, the hub will surely serve as a catalyst for growth and development of Benue state and the Middle Belt region, empowering the people and contributing to socio-economic transformation.

An elated Vice President Kashim Shettima did not mince words in commending Governor Alia for his commitment towards the success of the SMEs clinic in the state which culminated in the commissioning of the Fashion and ICT Hub.

According to him, the Fashion and ICT hub represents a genuine push for industrialisation

“It is the biggest in the country,” said Shettima who was represented by Deputy Chief of staff to the President, Senator Ibrahim Hassan Hadejia, and expects the state to make the hub a reference point in the country.

While appreciating the Alia led government for its collaboration to ensure the success of the Fashion hub and the determination to deliver good governance to the people of the state, the vice president promised to deploy monogram machines and other support as requested by the governor.

To the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Doris Ozoka-Anite, the project is a visible effort to make the success of government industrialisation agenda and job creation, while the
Minister of Water Resources, Prof. Joseph Utse viewed it as a testament of an inspirational collaboration between the federal and the state government, for a good cause.

This much was reechoed by the Commissioner for Trade and Investment, Hon. Alumo Orpin; Senior Special Assistant to the Vice President on Job Creation and SMEs , Hon. Tola Adekunle Johnson, and the Special Adviser to the Governor on Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, Hon. Fidelis Unongo, who all agreed that the project will keep many youths off the street and offer them lifelong means of livelihood.

It was indeed a celebration of an august and historic event in August as Benue adds more transformational blocks towards the realization of a dream, a one-stop fashion hub that will compete with the best in the industry.

The hub has five significant objectives which include empower the teeming youths with varied fashion skills, taking them off the street into a brighter future, providing a platform for local designers to showcase their talents and connect with global markets, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in Benue State and beyond, preserving and promoting the state’s rich cultural heritage through fashion, and fostering innovation and creativity.

In the words of the Special Adviser to the Governor on Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, Hon. Fidelis Unongo the benefits of the hub are numerous and the government is confident that it will become a beacon of hope and opportunities for the people.

“As we gather here today, we are not just launching a fashion hub; we are launching a revolution in the fashion industry. We are creating a platform that will showcase the best of Benue and Nigeria to the world.

“We are proud to say that this hub is a product of collaboration between government, private sector, and civil society. It is a testament to what can be achieved when we work together towards a common goal,” Unongo posited.

No doubt, the printing press and fashion hub represent hope for a state that was almost run aground by past leaders, and stand out as an exciting journey anchored by Governor Alia as he strives to build creativity and empower the youths of Benue State to make life-changing impact globally.

Bridget Tikyaa
Is the Principal Special Assistant to the Governor on Media Publicity and Communications Strategy



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