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Thursday, September 19, 2024


As Edo youths clamor for a youthful Governor, DOA is the definition of young to run.

Dr. Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie, the founder and initiator of the “Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie Foundation”, has launched a political consultation for the 2024 governorship election in Edo State. This consultation was received with wild jubilation by his supporters and admirers, and his official declaration in Benin City was perhaps the most finest moment in the political history of Edo State. Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie’s joining of the race for governorship of Edo State is seen as a sign of optimism, honesty, good governance, rule of law, altruism, and prosperity. His supporters and admirers see his coming into the contest as divine intervention and a moment when hope is reborn, faith is rekindled, and patriotism is released.They hinged on the fact that in fair weather, anyone can captain the ship. However, when the ship is set rough and amid a raging storm like our precarious and calamitous situation in Edo State under the LP rule, we need an able young and experienced captain like Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie.

Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie is well schooled in letters and morals and is a prudent man of exceptional principles of conventional morality and political correctitude. He is a time – tested and trusted leader, pro – democracy crusader, seasoned demonstrator, economic planner and board room guru. He has remained one of the most outstanding Edo political mega star with a large cathedral of party followership in Edo State.

His resilience and pragmatic leadership has attracted tremendous blessing and development to not just the Edo state but the entire nation as it is evident from the testimonies from people at home and abroad. The strength of this eminent politician lies in his power of progressive ideas, capacity for talent hunt, ability, to nurture leaders and build institutions and political parties, belief in popular rule and an avowed commitment to public welfare, and to him, the Sanctity of the ballot box is critical to the survival of democracy.      

Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie needs no introduction because he is a house hold name in the political lexicon of Edo State politics and the nation at large.

It is a yawning fact that God the almighty has been so graciously benevolent to Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie as one of the admired  politicians of Edo State extraction with coveted, eventful and impeccable political records therefore without considering any other leadership quality on him we should have rewarded him with automatic  governorship  in 2024. This is the normal convention in advance democracies where selfless service is rewarded and recognized as he has paid his dues to the socio-economic and political development of Edo State and Nigeria at large.

In fact in all positions he has occupied, this ark of covenant of Edo Politics has always stood out as an exemplary manager, financial surgeon, a deep thinker, a great motivator, a master strategist, a builder of human resource, an amazing philanthropist, a game changer, builder of political parties, a committed democrat and an apostle of politics without bitterness.

Besides being tested and trusted, Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie has come out to be incorruptible and committed to the welfare of the masses especially his immediate constituency in Edo State. In fact his uncommon personality traits of courage, fearlessness, firmness, fear of God, principled decisiveness, mediatory and reconciliatory disposition as well as constructive outspokenness on issues affecting his people put him squarely and frontally in the reckoning for as governor of Edo State come 2024.

Not minding what some political opponents and critics may say about Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie , any kneen, honest and objective observer of Edo State and Nigerian politics will by all credible indices agree with me that he is the best prepared and most thoroughly suited leader, politician, activist and eminent personality that can steer the ship of leadership of Edo State to saver  and calmer shores of electoral victory for LP, political triumph and national stability thus making the State a better, more progressive and more secure place for our generation and future generations yet unborn. This is because he has gone through the political forest and jungle of Edo State and the Nigerian politics. He has therefore mastered the ropes and had the where withal to address and deal with  multifarious, multi complex and multi – dimensional problems facing Edo State.

Aside this, what has also been dominating public discussions by LP stakeholders and political pundits is that Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie  is too young to run for Edo State governorship race in 2024 having been less than 50 years of age. The protagonist of this view maintain that Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie will be more appreciated if he can hang his political boots and stay on the sideline as a king Maker and technical adviser to the old ones.

Having decided not to join the pigs in rolling in the dirt, one would not want to be involved in any meaningless exchange of arguments with these prophets of political doom over this flawed political rhetoric. Though Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie  is a septuagenarian, he is mentally alert, vibrant, focused, sound and coherent. “The law of diminishing returns” has not caught up with his thinking. He has the zest and matching intellectual rigour and contemporary resources to manage a new age economy which is what is lacking in our new breed leaders in Edo State that has put the state in on the reverse gear of socio-economic and development of the state since the advent of democracy 1999.

Therefore as far as Edo State is concerned and as the present situation demands, the classical leadership theory of experience, age and maturity seems to stand the test of time. This is because the fortunes of the state started sliding into the doldrums with the emergence of youthful leaders. These youthful leaders have not broken new grounds in any positive sense but has instead reached historically unprecedented heights of incompetency in all manner of vices far above that of their predecessors in the challenges facing Edo state.  They were not matured, focused and in most cases suffered from youthful exuberance. This has created severe rot in all sectors and it is only a matured, focused and experienced leader in the mould and personality of Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie that can revamp and rebuild the state in line with dreams and aspirations of our founding fathers.

It is time Edo people to put her best forward.  If Edo people want to clear the Augean stable conclusively and decisively, they need an experienced and matured person with unblemished record of public and private sector service, a man with proven record of solving problems, a man Edo people can trust and not a man with ethnic, tribal or sectional affiliations.  After all, kinship or common geography does not necessarily translate to competence in governance.

Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie is running for the governorship race in Edo State in 2024. He has a robust and gargantuan political profile, which can translate to better leadership. He has been in the senate for 35 years and has been in the lower house for 31 years. The 1999 constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria does not specify young age as a condition to disqualify a candidate, so the factor of young age is supported by prettiness, envy, ignorance and dangerous delusion. Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie is a devout Christian and puritan politician who is independent minded and open to all parts of the state. He has organizational skills, strategic thinking, deep pocket and a formidable political war chest and is politically exposed with experience in party and electoral management. His crack team of political tacticians have already sent jitters in the spine of PDP members in the state. His great organizational skills and strategic thinking will add his immeasurable political equity to LP. Dr. Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie is the only labor Party aspirant in Edo State who has the wherewithal to demolish the ruling PDP in the state. He pledged to carry out his consultations and political engagement in line with best international practices, within the rule of law and devoid of violence, acrimony, blackmail, hate speech and character assassination. According to political stakeholders in Edo State, he is the one whom the cap fits to be governor of Edo State come 2024.He remains a candidate to watch in the unfolding dynamics that may determine the outcome of the 2024 gubernatorial elections in Edo State.  In fact with his well calibrated developmental agenda and mission statement as unveiled during his consultation with Edo state stakeholders, he will even win the 2024 gubernatorial election even before the final blast of the whistle by the Almighty INEC in the state when he must have completed his consultation visit in all parts of the state.

This is the time for us to bring the needed change, this is time to disrupt the status quo and secure our collective destiny, we can do it.  Act and rally round the indomitable banner of THE SERVANT LEADER. It is my hope and faith that stakeholders of our great party LP will find Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie worthy and credible enough to entrust him the mandate to fly the LP party’s flag in 2024  Being sufficiently persuaded that the seed of purposeful leadership in sown when the consent of the citizens to its leadership is freely and democratically given.

As the “Dr.Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie has declared for the coveted position of governor of Edo State come 2024, on the platform of LP.  It is imperative for allLP stakeholders in Edo state, LP chieftains, activist, leaders, supporters and loyalist at all levels to throw their weight unflinchingly behind his solid, irrefutable and unassailable candidacy for the victory of LP. in Edo State and good governance of the state.  A word is enough for the wise.

This epistle is necessary because an uninformed man, they say is a deformed man.  It is therefore pertinent for the people to be well educated, about their aspiring leaders so that they can make right choices.

It is my prayer and that of many Edo State patriots that the Almighty God should abundantly water his political ambition to become governor of Edo State come 2024 of this great illustrious son of the state so as it will grow and blossom like a tree planted by the riverside. The views expressed in this epistle are entirely mine that have been arrived at after a painstaking research and consultations. They are therefore not the views of any group in the state.

I beg to rest my case.

Thank you very much for your patience and be properly guided.




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