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Saturday, October 5, 2024


THERE are ten incontrovertible grounds to prove that the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) under the Fulani-born Prof Mamood Yakubu has politically declared the ethnic kinsman of its Chairman, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) the winner of the yet to be held February 25, 2023 Presidential election, in line with institutional moral bankruptcy of the Fulani oligarchy, linked with their grave imperious disregard to constitutionality in and out of positions of authority.
The first ground is the October 2022 landmark Caliphate stakeholders meeting sponsored by Alhaji Atiku Abubakar and held at his Dubai UAE residence which was chaired by the Sultan of Sokoto, but was however represented by a proxy. In the said meeting which the INEC Chairman Prof Mamood Yakubu was summoned to appear in person, it was resolved that every man and woman with Fulani blood must ensure by every available means that Alhaji Atiku Abubabar becomes the President of Nigeria after Muhammadu Buhari.
Prof Mamood Yakubu was specifically instructed to do everything both possible and impossible to declare Alhaji Atiku Abubakar winner of the coming February 25, 2023 Presidential election even if it will take the spilling of more human blood to do it. Prof Mamood Yakubu was further informed that his position of INEC Chairman was not primarily based on merit since there were better qualified Nigerians, but for the primary objective of ensuring that the Fulani retains the control of political power in Nigeria.
Nigerians should therefore consider Prof Mamood Yakubu as Chairman of INEC for the fundamental objective of installing a Fulani President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and not as an unbiased umpire.  This clandestine Fulani decision was recently affirmed in form of protest by the APC Vice Presidential candidate Alhaji Kashim Shettima before the Emir of Daura in Katsina State, when he alleged that the Northern Fulani leaders are supporting Alhaji Atiku Abubakar over him because he is a Kanuri and not a Fulani.
The second ground is Mamood Yakubu’s unscrupulous decision to replace University lecturers as election returning officers with his malleable members of staff who will not be in positions of authority to either question or alter his planned fixed election deals in favor his ethnic kinsman Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. So far Prof Mamood Abubakar has not informed Nigerians his reason for adopting his internal staff as the appropriate returning officers against the institutionally unbiased class of academic professionals, except to have a free hand to manipulate the Presidential election in favor of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.
The third ground is the current artificial difficulties created by INEC over the collection of PVCs which still persist few weeks to the Presidential election. The irony of this INEC rigging plan is that these difficulties only exist in Southern Nigeria where the people are averse to the existing retrogressive Fulani leadership in Nigeria and for that reason will not vote for Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. On the other hand, in the upper Northern States of Muslim Fulani, Hausa and other related groups, the same PVCs were distributed house to house to the people by INEC officials on the orders of the INEC Chairman Prof Mamood Yakubu. There has also been incontrovertible evidence of PVCs belonging to Igbo voters dumped in drainage pits. Yet Mamood Yakubu wants Nigerians to believe that the Presidential election is not already rigged in favor of his ethnic kinsman Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.
The fourth ground is the importation and registration as voters of foreign Fulani nationals from Central African Republic, Cameroon, Mali, Burkina Faso and other ethnic Muslim elements from Chad and Niger Republics. The recent seizure of 6,216 PVCs and Nigerian national identity cards from these illegal Fulani aliens in Northern States by men and officers of Nigeria Immigration Service is an incontrovertible evidence of INEC collusion with Issah Pantami’s Ministry of Communications and Digital Technology to rig the coming Presidential election in favor of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. The INEC Chairman Prof Mamood Yakubu is yet to address Nigerians on the reason why his Commission found it easier to register non-Nigerians as voters and issued them with PVCs without difficulties but found it difficult to distribute the same PVCs to Nigerian voters in Southern Nigeria.
The fifth ground is INEC’s clear intent to manipulate the election results with faulty and inactive BVAS from the polling units through the ward, Local Government and State levels to the final national collation center at Abuja in favor of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar through its appointed automated INEC Returning Officers. In fact, since the Returning officers will be INEC permanent staff whose daily bread depends on Mamood Yakubu the question of objection in the face of cases of manipulation of the results will be out of the way. This would not be the case if University academicians are in the same role. The cases of Osun State Governorship election and 2022 Kenya Presidential election are clear evidence that BVAS can easily be manipulated against the wishes of the voters.
The BVAS in line with this rigging intent are already clandestinely being distributed to wrong locations outside the States they are officially assigned. An instance is the recent accidental discovery of about ten BVAS machines officially assigned to Northeast in Governor Ifeanyi Okowa’s Owa Oyibu community, which were quickly retrieved and transferred to Government House, Asaba. Mamood Yakubu and his INEC are yet to arrest the culprits, comment on, or explain to Nigerians how BVAS machines meant for a Northeast State found their way to Governor Okowa’s town and later to his Government House.
The sixth ground is the secret and clandestine employment of foreign Private IT contractors as providers of Presidential result IT synchronizing platforms from where results will easily be manipulated in favor of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as in the case of the 2022 Kenya Presidential election when the Chairman of Kenya Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) Wafula Chibukati who clandestinely imported five Venezuelan IT specialists to manipulate the Presidential election result in favor of William Ruto against Raila Odinga.
What ignorant Nigerians fail to understand about this manipulation is that the BVAS only deals with accreditation. What happens afterwards between transmission and finally declaration of results has nothing to do with BVAS. Most Nigerians in their political timidity and acute ignorance fail to understand that results transmitted from polling centers do not go straight to INEC internet server but are first transmitted to a private servers owned by a private IT contractor or contractors charged with the responsibility of synchronizing the results.
Ordinary Nigerians are yet to be informed or educated by INEC on what synchronization of results mean. In the recent Osun State Governorship election Nigerians were told there were two election results—one synchronized and the other unsynchronized. Who were the synchronized voters and who were the unsynchronized voters? All these IT technical terms boil down to INEC’s capability to manipulate election results at will and for the benefit of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. Nigerians are yet to know who these private IT contractors with the powers to synchronize Nigerian voters out of their choice candidates, are? This is where Dr Issah Pantami’s Ministry of Communications and Digital Technology are working hard to achieve Fulani objective.
The point is that Nigerians will overwhelmingly vote Mr. Peter Obi for President and end up seeing their mandate criminally manipulated and changed by Mamood Yakubu and Issah Pantami through their private IT server providers through this criminal process of synchronizing votes cast by Nigerian citizens. And once Alhaji Atiku Abubakar is declared the winner by this criminal act that would be the end of the election since the Supreme Court will not be able to overturn the Presidential results already declared by the election commission given Nigeria’s culture and history of corrupt judicial system.
The seventh ground is the yet to be resolved under age voters willfully registered by the same INEC, an act that puts the Commission on the trough of criminality. Nigerians continue in their acute ignorance to live with INEC Chairman’s lies that the presence of under aged voters in the voters’ registers of Kano, Jigawa, Katsina, Zamfara, Borno, Yobe, Sokoto and Kebbi States has been resolved. This is a capital and compound lie. The INEC Chairman in addition to failing to give Nigerians adequate explanations is yet to satisfactorily prove that the under-aged voters particularly from Kano State have been removed from the Voters list. Banking on the institutional political dementia of Nigerians, Mamood Yakubu believes in his wildest imagination that mere announcement that the under aged voters have been struck off the voters list is enough evidence to cover up his criminal rigging antics. Nigerians were only informed that the one million or so voters removed from the voters list were those found to have engaged on double registration and not child-voters. The only functional reaction by the INEC Chairman on the subject of under aged voters was to instruct Nigerians to leave their respective voting stations on the day of election and travel to Kano and other Northern States to stop there child-voters from voting. Beyond this kindergarten instruction, Mamood Yakubu is yet to inform Nigerians how many under aged voters were discovered respectively in Kano, Jigawa, Yobe, Borno, Zamfara, Sokoto, Katsina and, Kebbi States. If indeed they were struck off the voters register what are the final voter-populations in these States? If Mamood Yakubu is yet to be properly informed, any election held in these States without proper account of under aged voters remains invalid in law. I want Nigerians to take note of this.
The eighth ground is the creation of artificial fuel scarcity in order to create difficulties for the people and by extension restrict people’s ability to travel, engage in their normal businesses and on the long run create voter apathy. What other excuse does Mamood Yakubu have to counter this obnoxious Fulani strategy to rig the Presidential election for Alhaji Atiku Abubakar if few weeks to Presidential election Nigerians cannot buy fuel in their country which is not only a major oil exporting nation but has four Government refineries? Just think of this impunity in governance and tell me how long Nigerians will allow this imperial insanity to persist? Mamood Yakubu is Fulani; Atiku Abubakar is Fulani; Muhammadu Buhari is Fulani; and the Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director of Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Mele Kolo Kyari is Fulani, yet the Fulani do not produce oil in Nigeria.
The ninth ground is the unexpected creation of scarcity of Naira in circulation through the unscrupulous introduction of new notes. Bearing in mind that this is happening few weeks to the Presidential election, does INEC think that any election held under the present circumstances would be deemed credible? Mamood Yakubu should ask his Fulani kinsmen in authority with him how their bandit kinsmen in our forests were able to have early and easy access to the new naira currency notes while ordinary Nigerian citizens are sleeping in banks, some are dying and businesses are placed in a state of comatose?
The tenth and final ground is the persistent terrorism perpetrated by Fulani bandits, herdsmen and ISWAP under the protection of the Federal Government. A situation where Nigerian citizens continue to be kidnapped and murdered in cold-blood by these people without proactive measures by the Federal Government to stop them can never provide a justifiable room for credible elections. Millions of Nigerians remain displaced from their ancestral homes by these foreign Fulani mercenaries hired with Nigeria’s petroleum resources and Nigerians still believe all is well with these so-called General elections.
The conclusion of the matter is that the result of the February25, 2023 Presidential election has already been declared with Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as the winner with the challenge of whatever daring consequences would emerge from Nigerians. Nigerians should therefore not expect any credible Presidential election result from Mamood Yakubu’s INEC outside the planned declaration of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as the winner of the February 25, 2023 Presidential election, even though majority of Nigerian voters will overwhelmingly vote for the Labour Party Candidate Mr. Peter Obi.
What should therefore be of paramount importance to Nigerians is what should be their reaction in the event of this planned daylight electoral robbery? Will Nigerians allow the coming impunity to stand? Will Nigerians allow themselves to be enslaved by another Fulani patron killer-herdsman, who will continue with the heinous protection of his blood-sucking killer-Fulani kinsmen, bearing in mind that the same Alhaji Atiku Abubakar celebrated the stoning of Deborah Samuel by his Fulani Muslim foot-soldiers?



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